Thursday, July 18, 2013

New Exhibit- The Story of the Creative

I am happy to share with you the news of a new exhibit.
Three of my paintings will be part of an exhibit in New York this summer.
"The Story of the Creative" will  be opening next week at the "Angel Orensanz Foundation for Contemporary Art" in New York City. and will be showing until September 10th.
Here is a link to the event:

I am also part of a competition to get into another exhibit, this time in Paris. If you don't mind going into this link and voting for me, I would be very grateful!

Thank you!!!

I hope your creative force takes you on amazing journeys as well....


  1. You have my vote. I am soo proud of you.

  2. Good luck, Deena. I wish I lived closer.

  3. As excited as I was when you told me about your exhibit in NY , I am even more excited to say that I will be in NY during the show and will be going with Uncle Baruch to see it. We are all very proud of you and have VOTED for you of course. NY/Paris, here we come...I may even be in paris, if things work out...
