
"Memory Restored" Oil on canvas 60*40 cm

Nursing Baby- 200*170- Oil  on canvas
Tree of Life and Family- Pastel on Canson 40*40
Bent and Broken-oil pastels on canvas-54*42

Hope-Oil pastels on canvas 60*80 cm

The Smile-oil on canvas 29*47 cm
Tomer-pencil on paper-41*29 cm

Fragments-18*20cm-pencil on paper on wood
32*24cm pencil on paper

Spiral drawing in pastels"Tomer"-65*50cm

Spiral drawing in pastels"Effi"-65*50cm
Spiral drawing in pastels"Lilach"-65*50cm

Hertzelia Beach- pastel on paper-15+20cm

Tree of Life- pencil on paper 13*9 cm


  1. You are an amazing artist. These are beautiful! Love your website! How would one contact you to hire you to paint something?

  2. I love the drawing - "Effi". so powerful, pensive, ready to burst with a creative explosion, and the colors - remarkable. It is very "masculine".
