Monday, March 11, 2013


I've been thinking a lot about spirals lately.

I mean I'm always thinking about spirals; seeing spirals, painting spirals, and I have already written about spirals and my connection to them. How spirals are in everything from our DNA, to how things grow in nature and even in how we connect to G-d. The Tree of Life symbolizes how we connect to G-d and the path we take. We each have our own path and our own way of relating to G-d, or whatever higher energy you believe in. Or maybe you don’t believe in a higher energy and you believe only in science; the spirals are there in science, too.

So, we each have our paths and we live our own lives, yet we connect to people and influence each others paths. Are our paths destiny or pre ordained? Do we meet people randomly or are they put in our paths (and us in theirs) for a reason?

These thoughts have been "spiraling" through my brain lately and I will probably expand on all of this in coming blogs. In the meantime, I would love to hear your thoughts. It may influence my path; my journey of discovery.

So please share your thoughts here on this blog with me and all my readers. You never know whose path you will influence or change…


  1. I never thought of a simple spiral as anything more than something to doodle. I am planning on bringing up your ideas at the next meeting of our small artist group. As I have told you before, you have been so inspiring to me and whenever I read your blog, I know I can't give up on my dream.

    1. Joy, I am sorry it has taken me awhile to respond. You will understand when you read this weeks blog, why I haven't been here lately. But I want you to know how much you words mean to me. Thank you for taking the time to write to me. I would love to hear the feedback from your group.

  2. Spirals are like many circles to me. In my life as I think of the phases, the situations, the trials, the joyous occasions, the sad and tense ones they are all circles. When one of them is finished I feel that "circle" is completed. As I get older I can see how all my circles connect to each other. Those connected circles are my life to be viewed whenever I want. Thanks for helping me see it in that light.
    Love your teaching.

    1. Thank you Orli for expressing it so beautifully!

  3. I love the imagery of spirals as connections within and without.

  4. I think that Deena would have liked my daughter Shoshi's recent dance performance - entitled "Circles". Same sort of wavelength."
    Ruth Pepperman

    1. Ruth, That sounds like something I would love to see!
